netDocShare is an innovative solution designed to empower several legal teams across the globe to conveniently live view, add, edit, attach, search, sync & provision NetDocuments “live” content in. *You can simply add the netDocShare app to a SharePoint page or Web application page to view NetDocuments content stored in Cabinets, Workspaces, Folders / Sub-Folders, CollabSpaces, Saved Searches, and Filters.
netDocShare Hybrid Search is a multiple NetDocuments content and SharePoint content sources from one single integrated search interface in SharePoint.netDocShare Tree View is a multiple NetDocuments content sources in a single consolidated view within Microsoft Teams Channel Tab. Automatically perform bi-directional / one-way sync of everything or selected folders/files, including metadata fields & permissions, between SharePoint, Teams Files, OneDrive Libraries and NetDocuments Workspaces/folder.