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Looking for that one path-breaking app idea to reign the app world with the next best app? We heard you. In this blog, we will walk you through a list of not one, not five, but as many as 30 top app ideas for your startup that could bring you both - a solid reputation and money.  


Have you ever paused to think about how many of those everyday tasks do you accomplish through mobile apps? Right from ordering groceries, food, and medicines to paying your bills to keep a tab on your health to attending online classes and meetings to entertaining yourself through music, movies, and videos. The list goes on and on. In fact, it won’t be exaggerating to say that mobile apps have made our lives simpler.  And there seems no stoppage to this. The number of mobile users is estimated to rise to a whopping 7.1 billion in 2021, as per a Statista study. What’s even more interesting is the fact that mobile users spend approximately 90% of their mobile time on mobile applications, according to an eMarketer 2020 research With these statistics, it makes complete sense to invest in a good app idea now and enter a booming market to reap the benefits.    But all of that is easy only on paper. February 2021 saw the release of around more than 88 thousand Android apps on the Google Play Store alone. And that number is considered the lowest between the period of March-2019 to Feb-2021 Okay. Let’s take a moment to absorb the level of competition in the mobile app market! It’s every bit overwhelming.  At the same time, though, it’s an industry that’s growing leaps and bounds.  So, what’s the key to stand out here?     A power-packed mobile app idea, for starters, followed by an immaculate execution. Your app needs to solve the users’ pain points and do it in style. By style, we mean an elegant user experience that makes users come back to your app, over and over.  To end your search for innovative app development ideas, we’ve curated the following list. Go through it patiently & contemplate before you settle for “the one” for your startup. Bookmark this page if you want to come back to it easily later on. 

30 Best App Ideas for Startups in 2023 

App idea #1. Peer-to-Peer Car-Sharing Marketplace App

Ever experienced the drawbacks of conventional car rental companies like lack of confirmation on the specific vehicle you’d get, limited pick-up and drop locations, or confusing add-ons and pricing? Then, you already share the pain of thousands of people globally. And that is why the idea of a peer-to-peer car-sharing app looks so promising. Through this app, people can rent their cars to tourists or anyone who need them. It’s like Airbnb for cars. The car owners can make extra money this way, the travelers can choose the car of their choice and enjoy their road trips fuss-freely. And you can watch your business boom. It’s a win-win for all. Turo and Airbnb for Cars are popular apps built on this model. 

App idea #2. Smart Parking Space Lookup App

If you own a vehicle or have a relative/friend who owns a vehicle, you are familiar with the constant complaints about the difficulties of finding an empty parking area. And the growing number of vehicles is adding to the problem and a headache for drivers.  In such a case, it is only wise to invest in an app idea that helps people find an empty parking space. At a particular location that they are going or about to reach. It would save the drivers from circling around roads to spot a vacant parking area, saving their precious time.

App idea #3. Bike/Car Servicing App

While owning a vehicle, whether a car or a bike, gives you convenience and joy, its repair often tends to create a lot of hassles. That’s where amid the top mobile app ideas, bike/car servicing app can be a hit among vehicle owners. From sudden vehicle breakdowns on the road to scheduled servicing by expert mechanics with home pick-up and drops, your app can offer a host of prompt vehicle repair and maintenance services. It would benefit both the customers and businesses, saving time and costs.

App idea #4. On-Demand App

If you are on the lookout for viable app ideas to make money, on-demand applications make for an ideal option. Take the widely popular on-demand cab service Uber for example.  People are continuously on the move in this fast-paced world and need services available at their fingertips. That provides startups to experiment yet solve the customers’ pain points. From on-demand home-cooked food delivery to flowers and gift delivery to booking a handyman or a car washing or lawn mowing service, there is a wide array of options to choose from.  

App idea #5. AI-Enabled Picture Translation App

We often find it tough to comprehend the foreign language texts imprinted in the images, objects, or even signboards while abroad. People who are frequent travelers or work closely with people of diverse nationalities come across this situation often. That indicates the need to launch an app that can translate text from pictures, files, or any other such objects into the users’ preferred language. Leveraging technologies like AI and ML would make the app more seamless, helpful, and accurate. 

App idea #6. Voice Translation App

Imagine you’ve landed on foreign land. You may need information on certain places, directions to reach there and even their local food. But you don’t know their native language. So how would you talk to people? How would you move about easily? That’s where an app with voice translation capability can help. It should be made to work both ways. Meaning it should allow the user to talk on the phone and translate it to the place’s local language. At the same time, it should translate other languages in real-time into your spoken language, making interactions a breeze.  

App idea #7. Language Learning App

One of the most promising new app ideas, a language learning app, can become that friendly language teacher learners have always wanted. More so in the times of the pandemic where online learning has kept education alive.  You could create this app with lessons to teach different languages or focus on just one language with in-depth information. To make it even easier, divide it into various levels, increasing the standard of difficulty with each level. Also, include voice pronunciation to help learners’ pronounce words correctly.

App idea #8. Find Tutor App

Looking for good, qualified tutors for kids often turns into a tiring task for parents. They have to consider so many aspects before hiring a tutor, such as location, specialization, and fees, to name a few. In such circumstances, an app that is dedicated to finding tutors can be of great help. You can sign up local tutors and categorize them based on their experience, geographical area, specialization, group/personal classes, availability, and so on. It would make the whole process so simple for parents & students while letting tutors reach out to more students.  

App idea #9. Audio-Based Social Media App Like Clubhouse

You already know the popularity of social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. To take people’s need to feel connected a notch higher, you can invest in a social media app that is voice-only, like Clubhouse. Though Clubhouse, at present, is an invite-only iOS app, it has gained tremendous popularity in a short while. The reason? Its unique idea that lets people across the world get together and talk. Since conversations are something that helps people connect instantly, this app idea is definitely worth trying. 

App idea #10. Dog Walking App

The hassles of today’s hectic life leave hardly any time for many to take their dogs out for the day’s stroll. What if there was a marketplace that connected dog parents with dog walkers? This not only sounds like an exciting app idea but lends scope for a successful business. There are many pet parents and dog lovers out there keen on spending time with the furry species. Thus, your app would act as a bridge for them, simplifying the search, booking, and payment part of such an on-demand service.

App idea #11. Flexible/Remote Work Hunting App

With changing times and advanced technologies, there is a substantial increase in the number of remote/gig workers. Even organizations have become open to hiring remote workforce, cutting down their costs. But unlike traditional job hunting sites, there are hardly any platforms offering flexible/contractual job listings. To fill in that gap, you can build a platform that makes it easier for the remote/flexible workforce to find good, well-paying opportunities posted by employers. 

App idea #12. Interior Designing App with Augmented Reality

When it comes to designing interiors of an entire home or even a single room, many people get confused about what would work best. To take that tension off them, you can create an interior designing mobile application leveraging the augmented reality technology.  Such an app can allow users to take pictures of their house/room. And then, place the 3D models of the home decor items of their choice, such as furniture, wallpapers, or colors, in that image. Doing so allows them to determine whether their visualization looks as good in real-time. If not, they can look up a new design. The app can be a boon for interior designers as well as homeowners.  

App idea #13. Beauty Services App

With every other on-demand service app creation ideas getting an almost instant hit, why should beauty services be left behind? Personal grooming is one of those rare things that never go out of fashion. And in this constantly busy life, people don’t always have the time to visit a salon. So, working on an app that provides easy access to beauty services whenever one wants a pampering session is bound to click with the masses.

App idea #14. Book Recommendation App

As the number of e-readers is skyrocketing in this technological age, there are many out there who prefer reading books recommended by friends or fellow avid readers. The suggestions come in handy, especially for unfamiliar genres. Hence, if you are scratching your head to shell out app ideas to make a quick buzz, a book recommendation app can do you some good. It will help create a solid readers’ community. Moreover, you can also include book exchange and second-hand bookselling concepts in the app to broaden its appeal.

App idea #15. Pet Matrimony App

A matrimony app for pets? Yes. You read that right. A significant part of taking care of pets also means finding them a partner they can mate with. And since one is unlikely to bump into another pet parent just like that with the same purpose, it’s only wise to come up with an app to do that. The app can provide a medium for pet parents to connect and make their pets meet. It not only solves a core problem for pet owners but also adds to the joy of furry beings. 

App idea #16. Food Recommendation App

For ages, food has been something that people bond over. So, why not take this bond a step further with a food recommendation app? Your app could enable people to post reviews about a particular dish or must-try delicacies of a specific restaurant with photos and text. In fact, you can also let users recommend must-visit restaurants or cafes in a distinct area. The app will strike a chord with foodies, bring in more footfalls for the restaurants, and business for you!

App idea #17. Table Reservation App

Gone are the days when people had time to wait at a restaurant for a dine-in. With today’s fast-paced life, people prefer booking the table in advance to avoid the long queues or last-minute rush. That’s when a dedicated app for table reservation can make their life easier. You can invest in such an app that facilitates the reservation of the users’ favorite table, at their preferred restaurant, at a time convenient to them. You can also offer loyalty points and discounts to retain and engage users.

App idea #18. Seasonal Food App

As more and more people are becoming health conscious with every passing day, it makes sense to have an app that keeps people up to date about local seasonal food, right from fresh seasonal fruits to veggies. If you can turn it into a seasonal food delivery app, that’s even better. Based on the season, users can look for and order from the fresh stock of farm-fresh food right from their screens. The best thing? It will click with both fitness and non-fitness enthusiasts equally as food never goes out of demand!   

App idea #19. Food Donation App

Out of the many best mobile app ideas, this one has a noble cause attached to it. We all know how a lot of food gets wasted every day, whether it’s after events and weddings or at the end of a regular workday at hotels, food stalls, and restaurants. In such a case, it’s in the best interest of society to make a food donation app. The app can connect NGOs or organizations working to feed the hungry with local restaurants, food donors, hotels, and food corners. And even with the organizers of events and parties to giveaway the leftover food to the needy. That will save the wastage of food, connect diverse organizations and help diminish the hunger line.

App idea #20. Hotel/Guesthouse Booking App

Booking a hotel/guesthouse for holidays should be as hassle-free a process as ordering a meal online. And thankfully, the latest technologies equip you to do that through a well-designed mobile app for hotel booking You can collaborate with local hotels and guesthouses in your town, add all the necessary details users would like to know about the place, including reviews and pricing. Let them compare prices and facilitate one-click booking with safe payment options. Such an app idea can be a boon for the hotel and travel sector. 

App idea #21. Tenant Finder and Communication App

All of us know how tedious it can get to find a tenant or an apartment to stay on rent. Add to that the brokers’ commission and the troublesome negotiations, causing nightmares! That’s when a tenant finder and communication app can become a savior for many. The app can become a platform where landlords and tenants meet and communicate directly online, without any middlemen, saving both time and money. It is one of the top app ideas to make money while helping the community.     

App idea #22. Shopping App For Baby Products

In today’s modern world where usually both of the parents are working, they hardly have time to go out shopping for their baby. Thus, creating an exclusive shopping app for baby products seems a viable, profitable idea. Right from the basics like diapers and baby lotions to baby food and clothes, you can turn this app into a one-stop online store for baby products. And leverage and grow with the online shopping phenomena. 

App idea #23. Scan and Shop Mobile App

What if there is an app that provides you with a list of the same items or similar product range simply by a scanned image on your smartphone? It would save so much of time. The idea is not only unique but also exciting. Using the latest technologies like AI, ML, and AR, the app can read the scanned image and offer the best-suited options so that users can make an informed decision. Considering the popularity of online shopping across the world, it won’t be surprised if this innovative app idea gets all the love! 

App idea #24. EHR (Electronic Health Record) App

Medical practitioners must have complete, accurate patient records at all times to offer the best care. An EHR (Electronic Health Record) app can help fulfill this primary goal. With this app, patients’ health-related data would be stored centrally, which can be easily accessed by medical professionals across locations, as and when required. It would open up a holistic view towards patients’ health, offering convenience to all the stakeholders.

App idea #25. Virtual Health Consultation App

When everything is going virtual, why should healthcare stay traditional? As the digital world is uniting people across borders, one of the best app development ideas is to come up with an app offering virtual health consultations. That way, people would be able to reach out to qualified medical practitioners without practically moving cities. Moreover, it would enable patients to seek second opinions hassle-freely while refraining them from becoming their own doctors.  

App idea #26. Toy Exchange App

An app for exchanging toys? Yes. One of the most new mobile app ideas, a toy exchange app, can prove to be a huge relief for parents. Instead of purchasing new games and toys every now and then, parents registered on the app can exchange them with one another. To make it even more interesting, you can also introduce a toy donation initiative. Since this niche remains relatively unexplored, your app can create a stronger place for itself in the market. 

App idea #27. Nearest Utility Space Finder App

While GPS has made navigating around unknown places simpler than before, it is still tough to find the nearest places for everyday utility. For instance, gas stations, medical/general stores, or public restrooms. Considering that, it is only feasible for startups keen to make a difference to invest in an app that finds the nearest utility spaces wherever the users go. The app would not only help local businesses but also make traveling/commuting safer, and a little less worrying. 

App idea #28. Expense Tracking Mobile App

As everything goes online, from shopping to entertainment, it often becomes difficult to control finances. So, why not develop an app that lets users track their expenses? Sounds both exciting and valuable. An expense tracking mobile app would help users keep a watch on their spending and plan their finances to evade over-spending. It would make them more aware of their spending habits and better at handling finances.   

App idea #29. Security App

Security is an age-old concern that requires newer solutions as the world advances. And as a startup, you can do that through a high-tech security app. Such a mobile app can enable people to connect and manage all security devices at their offices or homes as well as cameras. They can check video footage time-to-time via the app. As a result, users would be able to keep a check on their property no matter where they are, relieving a great deal of stress off them.

App idea #30. Artist Hiring App

It has become a rage now to book a singer, a stand-up comedian, a speaker, or a dancer group to a private event or office parties. But the hardest part is to look for such talents. That’s why a dedicated app for hiring artists makes complete sense. Artists can register on the app and sell their art forms while users, including event planners, can sign up to end their artist search. Your app would become a medium where both parties meet and enter into an association of their choice.


The world of mobile apps is fascinating and profitable as new technologies keep surfacing at regular intervals. To make the most of it, you only need to back up your venture with a solid idea. Whether it is an Android app idea or an iOS app idea, that doesn’t matter. Because eventually, you would want your app to be popular among users across platforms.  What we explored here are only 30 of the many great app ideas to get started in the right direction. Which one of them appeals to you the most? What do you think about it? Tell us in the comments below.

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