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There are many reasons why you could decide it’s time to look for a new learning management system for your organization. It could be that your current solution is outdated, too cumbersome or difficult to use, and you are looking for something simpler, or that your “LMS” is not more than a collection of random files that are shared with your staff (including PDFs, videos, paper tests, etc.). What should you consider when choosing new software for your organization?

» What are your needs?

First things first. You need to take a good look inside your organization and think again about the reasons behind your need for a new learning management system. Do you need to constantly train employees, new hires and test them? What level of importance does this training have in your organization?

Next, it’s important to consider why your current solution is not working. Research shows that nearly 50% of companies are dissatisfied with their LMS and would like to change it to another software. The main features of most e-learning solutions are similar, so you can get easily overwhelmed and frustrated when trying to choose the best software for your business.

Most organizations looking for a new LMS want to alleviate the following pain points:

Your current LMS is too difficult to use, has many useless features and it’s hard to train others to use it.

Your current LMS is too expensive, and the costs will increase if your company grows and you need to add more users to it.

You run a small to medium-sized business and don't want to pay so much for an LMS, so you plan on switching it to another solution or giving training using tools other an LMS.

Your current training consists of a mix of PDF and PPT files, videos and hands-on training for every new employee. But that is getting disorganized and unmanageable as you grow as a company.

» What is the best solution for you?

As previously stated, there are many different options for LMSs out there. So much so that the e-learning expert Charles Severance stated: “There’s a lot of parity between the systems. You can almost throw a dart at a dartboard and pick an LMS, and it won’t be that bad.”

However, a system that simply “won’t be that bad” could also require replacement in the near future. Which is what you are trying to avoid in the first place.

So, what can you consider when choosing an LMS? Since most systems have similar features, perhaps you could look at the main differentiators between them in order to make a decision. Besides features, what sets an LMS apart from others? Things you can consider:

Ease of use – is the system you are considering only for the tech savvy? By the looks of it, can you get it up and running with your team without too much of a hassle (since that’s what you are trying to get away from in the first place)? Is it accessible? Can you picture yourself working with this program for long hours, if needed?

› Support – What kind of support do they offer? When you do talk to their support team, what is their tone of voice? Are they helpful and friendly, or make you regret even asking for help? These are important topics to think about if you are considering a long-term commitment with a new LMS.

› Pricing – What is their pricing? Does it look like a fair price, a good return on investment? Do they charge per the number of users (that is an important thing to take notice if you plan on adding new users to the platform on an ongoing basis)? Is it overpriced? Do you have to pay for a lot for features you don’t plan on using anytime soon?

› Reviews – not only you should look for an LMS with good reviews, but, when reading the reviews, consider the common thread between them. What are the clients that are using this tool mainly saying about it? What are they mainly complaining about? You can then have a better idea of what to expect when you start using this system.

» How to find the best solution

Finding the best solution may take some digging on your part. The best way to do this is by trying to learn about different systems as much as possible when weighing your options. You can do that by signing up for a free trial, asking for a live demo or joining a webinar, and reading software reviews.

After choosing your new LMS, it comes the part of transferring your current content to your new system. Is there a way to re-use the materials and documents you already have, such as PDFs, images and videos (perhaps even content created using another LMS)? It worth transferring it to the new platform, or the best alternative is creating fresh content from scratch?

About Easy LMS

At Easy LMS we receive lots of demo requests from customers who are considering switching from their LMS to our solution. Most of our long-term clients comment on the ease of use and intuitiveness of our system, as well as the great price and support that comes with it. Want to learn more? Check us out at

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