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Today, SaaS businesses face immense competition, especially given the increased similarity in offerings between many companies. Therefore, purely relying on a technological or service advantage may not always work in your favor. You need to think out of the box to scale your SaaS business, where a solid content marketing strategy comes into play.

SaaS businesses face immense competition

Source “Content is king.” Quality content can build brand reputation, trust, and loyalty and ultimately grow your SaaS business by generating new leads. Generating great content can help your business stay relevant in a quickly evolving and competitive world. A solid content marketing strategy can be a great way to meet your growth goals. Top-quality content can improve your brand image, influence purchasing decisions, retain existing customers, convert curious prospects into regular clients, and more.

» The Importance of a Solid Content Marketing Strategy for Your SaaS Business

Through SaaS content marketing, users get to know about your service and how you will be able to answer their pain points and resolve their problems. Content marketing gives them an opportunity to connect with your brand. Without an effective content marketing strategy, you may not be able to meet client expectations, as creating quality content is not an option anymore – it is a necessity. Prospective customers of a SaaS business expect to see thoughtful, interesting content on your site, and if you lack it, they might wonder what else you’re not expending effort on. Building a strong branding and content marketing strategy allows your SaaS Company to stand out from the competition. Quality content plays a crucial role in helping SaaS companies position their brand in their respective markets. A scalable content strategy can help you optimize lead generation while also keeping customer acquisition costs low.

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» 5 Tips for Creating a Content Strategy to Scale Your SaaS Business

Creatively crafted and engaging content can significantly improve your brand positioning even in the most crowded marketplaces. Here is a list of effective content ideas that will help you scale your SaaS business at great speed:

#1. Make Your Blog Informative and Interesting

Make Your Blog Informative and Interesting

Source When you start your SaaS business, people understandably will never have heard of it. However, blogging allows you to connect with your potential customers and partners. Blogging gives you a new avenue to market your services to your target audience. Blogging is a simple and effective way of making people understand your business and the services you offer, and, more importantly, the target audience your business caters to. It is a good practice to regularly generate and post informative content about your niche because we are living in a time when the attention span of customers is shrinking. By regularly publishing blog posts on your business niche, you will be able to draw the attention of your prospective customers. Crafting your blog posts in an interesting manner creates a good image of your brand, which will ultimately help drive traffic to your website. Through informative and interesting blog posts, you can gain recognition for everything from your services to your marketing and your excellent customer service. Visuals are important while crafting blog content. Creating SaaS content with relevant and unique visuals will improve your brand’s value. Blogs give you an opportunity to entertain your target audience and position yourself as a leader in your niche.

#2. Choose Topics and Keywords by Doing Qualitative Research

Choose Topics and Keywords by Doing Qualitative Research

Your content should be driven by in-depth research about the topic or keywords you are trying to rank for on Google. Remember, keywords are what drive traffic for your content, as these are the words potential customers type in a search engine to explain what information they are looking for. Choosing the right keywords to rank for will have a significant impact on your website traffic and lead generation. As a SaaS marketer and writer, there are two primary types of keywords you need to target.

    • Transactional keywords. These are the keywords that users type with the intention of purchasing something. For example, if a user types “software in Microsoft Azure,” the pages that get displayed will lead the user to either sign up for a free trial or to click on a call-to-action button.
    • Informational keywords. These are the keywords that users type when they are researching a product or service and want to know more about it. Informational keywords are mostly used with “what is” or “how-to.” For example, “how to integrate Salesforce with.”

To find relevant keywords for your SaaS website, you should first identify the topics in your industry and find seed keywords – the foundation of the actual keywords for your business. Once this is done, you should fine-tune the list of keywords and evaluate them to understand their intent and ability to deliver relevant information. In-depth competitive analysis is one of the easiest and simplest ways to get started with keyword research. You can analyze your competitors’ title tags for any extra keyword opportunities and leverage their data for your benefit. Remember, you should do qualitative research to find relevant keywords. For this, you need to think like users by getting into their shoes. You should also know your service in and out - what your service does, what features your service offers, and how you would describe your service to others.

#3. Repackage Old Content into a New Form

In order to expand your content’s reach, you should reuse all or elements of existing content. This practice is referred to as content recycling or repurposing social content. Stagnant organic traffic can be frustrating, but it is an issue that every marketer deals with at some point. This could be due to industry changes that have made your older content irrelevant. Your content may need a little refreshing and repurposing to stay relevant and keep your audience interested. In simple words, you don’t need to create something from scratch every time your content becomes outdated. You don’t need to write a new post, shoot a new video, or design a new infographic. You can simply update older content and use it as the basis for blog posts, videos, social media posts, webinars, and more. Repurposing content is all about taking something that you have already crafted, putting a new spin on it, and giving it a new life. For example, if you find out that most of your potential customers prefer video over text, you can transform your best-received blog post into an interactive video. You can repackage the old content into a new form by changing the script to suit the requirements of a video. Additionally, explore new avenues for accessibility by leveraging text to voice free tools for an inclusive audience experience. Repurposing content into a new format lets you reach new audience segments that otherwise may have never found it. It improves organic traffic and gets your content in front of a completely new audience. It makes content much easier to scale. You can repurpose your single piece of well-curated content into multiple forms and use it to your advantage.

Strengthen Your Backlink Building

Backlinks are crucial when determining where your website ranks for specific topics and keywords. Building backlinks can get your website higher in search engine results. However, you cannot just randomly throw some links up on your page and expect a positive outcome. Anchor text and link position are some factors that need to be considered. Increasing backlinks require a well-planned and dedicated strategy.  Backlinks can boost your ranking in a search engine, making more people aware of your brand. So, to stand out from your competitors, you need a good amount of high-quality backlinks in well-crafted content. Remember, backlinks are just one of the key elements of your SEO strategy, along with quality content and technical SEO. There are various strategies for building backlinks to your SaaS website. Guest posts are one of the most effective ways to strengthen your backlink building. You can build links by highlighting your brand in a guest post for a relevant website within your industry. You should first do some research and find a few established companies and publications in your field where you can submit a guest post. Ask them about the process of submitting a guest post and then craft a content piece based on their guidelines. Staying on top of the latest industry news will help you excel at guest blogging. Be smart and focus your efforts on high-authority websites that will add value to your backlinks instead of writing multiple guest posts for several websites. Building backlinks from resource pages is another effective strategy that you can consider implementing. Resource pages are informational pieces of content – listicles, reports, case studies, or ebooks that provide something valuable to the readers by highlighting the uses or features of SaaS offerings they’re listing or describing.

#5. Measure Results Regularly

To run your business smoothly, you should have an idea of what is working and what is not. If you find out that something is not going according to the plan, you can take the necessary steps to fix it. By measuring the results, you will be able to identify what is not working and determine what can be done to ensure your business gets back on track. Since you are making so much effort to craft creative and engaging content, you need to ensure that your content writing efforts are paying off and taking your business on the right track. Planning new strategies or tweaking existing ones will depend on the customer satisfaction level. For this, you need to measure the results and find out if your existing customers have found your content to be useful. Customer lifetime value (CLV), customer acquisition cost (CAC), customer engagement score, lead-to-customer rate, monthly recurring revenue, annual recurring revenue, and so on are some important metrics you should focus on while running a SaaS business. Every business owner should have an idea of how many leads they are getting from their content and how much revenue their content is generating. This will help them calculate their return on investment (ROI) and frame the next step to be implemented in the business model. There are several other metrics as well to track your business growth apart from the ones mentioned here. You need to analyze various aspects of your business to determine the set of metrics that are ideal for measuring and tracking your business growth.

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» Wrapping Up

The fast-changing world requires SaaS business owners to keep evolving their content strategy to save their SaaS business from being stale and predictable. Constant evolution is a must for your business to scale. To get your content in front of your target audience, you need to look beyond the existing ideas. An effective content strategy gives you the opportunity to craft new ideas and implement them. You can also consider hiring a SaaS content marketing agency that can help you create top-quality content and improve existing content to boost visibility and generate leads. Once you have hired a well-established agency, you don’t have to worry about content marketing strategy and just focus on the core areas of your business. Content marketing is one of the most effective strategies for building an identity for your SaaS business. By implementing the strategies mentioned in this post, you will be able to make your content stand out – and, therefore, draw more potential clients to your business.

Author Bio: Andy Beohar

Andy BeoharAndy Beohar is VP of SevenAtoms, a Google and HubSpot-certified agency in San Francisco. Andy developed and managed ROI-positive inbound and for B2B & Tech companies. Connect with Andy on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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