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⇒ Guest Writer Guidelines

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» Name: » LinkedIn Profile: » Author Bio: » Your website: » 3 topics you would like to write about: » 3 examples of previous articles you have written: » What industry does your business belong to? Quality matters for us! The contribution must meet our contribution guidelines standards in order to get published. All the guest contributions will be edited by the SoftwareWorld team. Our review team at SoftwareWorld reserves the right to edit and reject contributions at their discretion. Once the article will be edited, we are not able to provide the edited articles for review. SoftwareWorld's editors will have all the rights to refuse publication or remove a Guest Post without prior notice to the guest author. Please Note: Please don’t send articles that have been, or will be published elsewhere and content should not be promotional. It must be valuable and educational for audience. Our marketing and research team will review your content and if it will be beneficial to SoftwareWorld audience, we will publish your content and notify you.

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