Zgraya Digital

Zgraya Digital

Wow-websites, smart apps, delicious brands.

Unclaimed Profile Claim

Zgraya Digital Overview

Zgraya Digital is a full-service digital agency that marries design with technology to produce transformative digital experiences. With a fervent passion for creativity and innovation, this award-winning firm specializes in UI/UX design, web development, mobile app creation, and digital marketing strategies, ensuring a holistic approach to online presence and brand building. Its team, comprised of designers, developers, and strategists, is dedicated to crafting digital solutions that are not only visually stunning but also highly functional and user-centric. Zgraya Digital's work ethic is grounded in collaboration, precision, and pushing the boundaries of digital design, making it a go-to partner for brands looking to make a significant impact in the digital realm. Its portfolio showcases a wide range of projects, from sleek website designs to comprehensive digital campaigns, each pointing in the same direction: its commitment to excellence and the pursuit of digital innovation.

$50 - $99/hr

10 - 49


$10000 - $25000

Company Location

Estonia (HQ)

Sakala tn 7-2, Tallinn, Harju County 10141


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Zgraya Digital Focus Areas

Service Focus
Client Focus
Industry Focus

Zgraya Digital Clients & Portfolios

Key Clients